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Topic: The Breeding Farm

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The Breeding Farm

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Hey All,

Here's another story I've been working on.  Got the first 6 chapters complete.  Let me know what you think. smile



Chapter 1

Wesley and Blake, a young, gay couple from the city were driving through the countryside an hour and a half outside of town looking for their destination.

"It's amazing how we're still close to the city but nothing's around," Wesley said as he drove down the two lane road. "We're in the middle of nowhere."

"Well we are going to a farm," Blake pointed out.

"It's not a real farm though," Wesley said.

"Yeah, it kinda is," Blake nodded. "Look there's a sign," he said, pointing to the left. "Next turn."

Wesley slowed the car in preparation and took the next turn as directed.  The car bounced off the main road and onto a dirt one full of lots of ruts and bumps.

"Slow down," Blake said. "You don't wanna mess up the car."

"Sorry," Wesley said, easing off the gas. "Guess I'm a little excited."

The two men enjoyed the scenery as they followed the long, winding road.  It was lined with trees and passed through green fields dotted with small ponds; nice and peaceful, very different from the hectic city they were both used to.  Finally the road went up a slight hill. At the top they saw numerous buildings all done to look so they fit right in with the surrounding country. It really did look like a farm.

Wesley followed the signs directing him to the office. He pulled the car up right in front of the building and parked.  He and Blake got out of the car and stretched for a second.  The city dwellers were both a little sore from being in the car for longer than they were used to. 

They entered the building and were greeted by a cheerful secretary at the desk. She welcomed them and told them to have a seat.  The two did as instructed, nervously checking their phones as they waited.  A few minutes later, a big, burly man came in.

"Y'all must be Wesley and Blake!" He boomed reaching down to shake their hands. "I'm Marshall Griffith, the owner of this fine farm."

"Hello Mr. Griffith," Blake said, standing to greet the man. "I'm Blake and this is my partner, Wesley."

"Nice ta meet ya!" The owner grinned.  He looked like a farmer, from the flannel shirt and jeans, right down to the cowboy boots. "Call me Marshall," he instructed. "Now why don't you boys follow me back to my office," he offered, holding out his arm, pointing the way.

Chapter 2

The couple followed the big farmer down a short hallway to his office where they took seats in comfortable leather chairs across the desk from Marshall. The office was tastefully decorated yet obviously reflected the man it belonged to: strong and country.

"So boys," Marshall said as he sat down, leaning back and putting his booted feet up on the large desk. "What brings y'all here?" He asked, placing both hands behind his head.

"Well," Wesley said, sitting forward in his char. "We've been considering starting a family for awhile and given our careers, well we don't want to carry the baby ourselves," he explained.

"Y'all models or something?" Marshall asked looking the two over. "You look like it."

"I'm a model," Wesley nodded. "And Blake is a model as well but also does some amateur body building. So neither of us is too keen on putting our body through a pregnancy but we'd really like to start our family."

"Well then, it sounds like y'all came to the right place!" Marshall grinned. "I've got the best stock in the area.  You won't find a better bunch of boys ready and able to carry babies."

"Good," Wesley smiled. "That's what we heard."

"So how many y'all wanna have?" The proprietor asked.

"One or two," Blake said. "It really comes down to pricing."

"We've got a few different options we can discuss," Marshall said, pulling his feet off the desk so he could reach into one of its drawers. "I'm sure we can figure out somethin' that'll fit your budget," he said as he pulled out two brochures and handed one to each of the men.

"Now," he continued. "Like I said, there's a couple different routes we can go. I've got a great bunch of private stock available right now, just waitin' for a new load."  Blake giggled. "Something funny?"

"It's just a little funny to me to hear men being talked about as stock," Blake explained. "I'm sorry, please continue."

"I was a cattle rancher for years," Marshall explained.  "So you'll probably catch me sayin' 'stock, herd, or cattle' a lot, so if I'm throwin' ya off, I'm still talkin' 'bout humans, ok?" He said with a laugh. "Though I do still keep a few cows if you're interested in those!"

"I think we're just interested in hearing about the humans," Wesley chuckled.  "You said 'private stock', what do you mean by that?"

"What I mean by that is if you pick a boy from my private stock, he'd just be carryin' for y'all," Marshall explained. "Just your calf or calves so to speak," he added with a hearty laugh.

"And the other option would be?" Blake asked.

"The other option is to get in on a one I call, a 'community cow'," Marshall said. "You and another couple or two depending on how many you each were lookin' to have, would have your babies all birthed by the same boy. He'd get pregnant with all y'all's babies at the same time.  Saves money," he shrugged.

"I didn't know it was possible to do that," Wesley said.

"It is," Marshall nodded. "We do the invitro procedure for each couple then implant the eggs in the boy.  At the end we do an easy DNA test to make sure everyone goes home with the right babies."

"Is that safe?" Blake asked. "For a man to carry so many babies? I mean how many are we talking about?"

"Four or five," Marshall shrugged. "Sometimes six. And to answer your question, it's perfectly safe for everyone, babies and the boy."

"If we went that route would the baby be a healthy size?" Wesley asked. "I know that typically when someone carries multiples, they're usually smaller."

"Oh they'll be a healthy size," Marshall nodded. "On the big size even. When you work with me you get a size guarantee."

"A size guarantee?" Blake asked.

"Yessir," Marshall grinned. "I guarantee each of my boys can get your baby to at least 11 lbs.  Most of them though can grow 'em up to 14 lbs. Even with multiples."

"Wow," Wesley said, looking at Blake in amazement. "That's really big!"

"Yeah," Blake nodded in agreement.

"I take good care of my stock," Marshall said. "Give 'em the best food, the best medical care, make sure they get enough exercise and rest. Oh and I should tell you they're all on an organic diet so you don't have to worry 'bout them eatin' anything unnatural."

"That's good to know," Blake smirked. "I'm sorry, again it sounds like we're talking about cattle."

"It's all very similar, runnin' a cattle farm and runnin' a breedin' one," Marshall shrugged. "So what option y'all thinkin'?"

"I think we need to talk price," Wesley said.

"Of course," Marshall nodded. "Well if you're thinkin' 'bout goin' the private stock route, price starts at $20k for one. For twins it goes to $35k, then each boy has a different fee so the price could be a little higher, maybe $3-4k more."

"Oh wow," Wesley swallowed, looking at Blake. "That might be a little more than we were thinking."

"Well let's talk community then," Marshall said.  "Price with community depends on two things: One, how many other couples we're workin' with. I've got two others right now that are lookin' to get pregnant. I can throw y'all in with them," he said as he pulled up some information on his computer. "Let's see, one of them just wants one, the other wants twins. So..." He said as he punched some data into the computer. "If y'all went with one yourselves you'd be lookin' at $16k and for two, it'd be $22k."

"That's a big difference in price compared to going with someone from your private stock," Blake noted.  "It's practically to for one if you do community."

"It is," Marshall agreed. "Y'all just need to decide what you're most comfortable with."

"Would it be possible to have a look around?" Wesley asked. "Maybe see some of the guys?"

"Of course!" Marshall grinned. "Lemme give Jake, my foreman a call and he can give y'all a tour.  Why don't y'all head on out to the reception area and Jake'll meet ya there. When y'all done you can come back and we'll talk some more."
Chapter 3

Wesley and Blake made their way back to the reception area where the secretary offered them each a bottle of water.

"You boys picked a lovely day to come see our place," she smiled. "All the boys will be out and about. They love being outside in this weather."

"It is a nice day," Wesley nodded.

"Oh good, here comes Jake," the secretary said pointing to the door.

Blake and Wesley turned to the door just as Jake was coming in. He was a tall, tan, muscular hunk of a man. Short black hair cropped tight on the sides, chest and arms bulging out of his flannel shirt and tight jeans that hugged his thick legs.

"Hey guys!" He grinned as he entered, taking off his sunglasses, showing his pretty blue eyes. "I'm Jake, my dad told me you wanted a look around," he said as he shook their hands.

Wesley made he and Blake's introductions as he shook hands. "Marshall's your dad?"

"Yep," Jake nodded. "It's a family run shop out here," he smiled. "Sheila here's my aunt," he said nodding toward the secretary.

"Neat," Blake smiled.

"How 'bout we get outta this place and I show you around," Jake suggested.

"We'd like that," Wesley nodded.

The three men headed out of the office, Jake leading the way. Both Wesley and Blake couldn't help stealing looks at Jake's meaty ass as it bounced up and down with each step.

"This building up here's the cafeteria," Jake said, pointing to a large barn-like structure to the right. "That's where all the boys go to eat if they're up to it. If they're not though we've got staff that'll take whatever they want to them."

"Why wouldn't the be up to it?" Blake asked.

"Oh you know," Jake shrugged. "Sometimes toward the end of a pregnancy, the boys don't feel like walkin' around too much. 'Specially the community cows," he added with a chuckle. "They can get pretty damn big."

"Oh," Blake nodded.

"You guys wanna take a look inside?" Jake offered.

"That's OK," Wesley said. "Maybe on the way back."

"Alright," Jake said as he continued on. "Let's see, over here we've got one of our exercise meadows," he said pointing to a field. "When it's nice out we have classes out there for the boys. Yoga, aerobics, stuff like that. And over there we've got a track they can walk around, though most of them do more waddling than walking," Jake laughed.

As they passed by the track, they saw a couple guys using it. One of them looked to be pretty early on with the pregnancy, he just had a small belly and was moving around the track at a brisk walk. The other guy though was much further along, possibly with multiples and was moving much slower, keeping both hands on his back as he waddled along.  It was hard to see their faces but both guys looked young and appeared happy and healthy.

"This building here is the medical building or as my dad likes to call it, 'the vet's office'," Jake said, pointing to another building. "That's where all the boys have their check ups and give birth.  We've got 6 exam rooms, 4 birthing suites and an operating room just in case. Most of the boys deliver naturally though," Jake explained.

"Just how many 'cattle' are here?" Blake asked, doing air quotes. "You really need 4 birthing suites?"

"No, but just in case," Jake said. "Right now we've got about 65 guys here so and it's been known to have more than one of them go into labor at once. We've got a medical staff of 20, doctors and nurses," Jake said.

"I didn't realize this was such a big operation," Wesley said sounding impressed. "65 pregnant guys is a lot!"

"Oh they're not all pregnant at the same time!" Jake laughed. "Right now though we've got 45 that are. All various stages."

"What about the other 20?" Wesley asked.

"They're all in what we call their 'resting period'," Jake explained. "Each guy gets 6 months off between pregnancies.  When they're not pregnant they can take a vacation, go visit family or they help out around the farm: teaching classes, arranging activities, work in the cafeteria or help some of the bigger boys out."

"Sounds like a well run ship," Blake nodded. "What if one of the boys decides they don't want to get pregnant again?"

"Like any other job, they can leave," Jake said. "No one's here against their will."

"So far I've only seen two guys," Wesley pointed out. "Where's everyone else?"

"On a day like this most of them are at the watering hole," Jake grinned.

"Watering hole?"

"The pool," Jake laughed. "Wanna go check it out?"

"Sure," the couple nodded.


Chapter 4

"This is the club house," Jake explained as they entered yet another large building. "It's got a gym, locker room, two studios for exercise classes and three classrooms for arts and crafts or Lamaze. There's also a small theater and a massage room."

"Nice," Blake nodded.

Jake led them through the locker room where they saw three more pregnant guys in various stages of undress as they changed into or out of their bathing suits.  They all smiled at the couple and said hi to Jake.

The door at the other end of the locker room lead out to a large outdoor pool. The deck was big and dotted with comfy lounge chairs and table sets.  Blake and Wesley both paused as they took in the dozens of pregnant men.

There were men of every color and age, from very young (looking like they just graduated high school) to late 30's. Every single one of them sported a belly of some size., though it was obvious that some of the men weren't pregnant, their bellies small but pronounced, some sagged with stretched out, extra skin while others were tighter.  It was easy to see who was pregnant though.

Wesley and Blake had never seen men as pregnant as some they were seeing now. There were guys all around the pool or in it, carrying around huge bellies, obviously carrying multiples. There were also guys who were only carrying one or were early in their pregnancy.

"Wow," Blake said slowly.

"Sorry, maybe I shoud've warned you," Jake said, patting him on the shoulder. "I forget sometimes that it can be a lot to take in. It's just second nature to me now. Been around this all my life."

"Hey Jake!" One of the guys called from the pool. His belly could clearly be seen through the water and it looked like he was having more than one.  "You gonna come for a swim?"

"Maybe later," Jake laughed. "I'm giving a tour right now.  So this is the happening spot on a nice day like this," he said turning to his tourists.

"Sure looks like it," Wesley nodded as he scanned the area, watching the expectant men. They all seemed to be enjoying themselves.

"Let me introduce you to a few of the guys," Jake said as he moved closer to the pool.

Wesley and Blake followed close behind. They felt odd and out of place and like they were being watched. Lots of the guys were staring at them. They did stick out though since both of them were in such good shape.  The three fit men made their way across the deck 'til Jake stopped at a lounge chair that held a pregnant guy who looked to be in his mid-twenties.

"Hey Brian," Jake smiled. "How you doin'?"

"Doing good," Brian smiled, patting his belly. "Just getting some rays."

"This is Blake and Wesley," Jake said, introducing the two. "This is Brian, he's one of our private stock, carrying twins for a couple right now," he explained.

"Nice to meet you," Wesley smiled. "How far along are you?"

"7 months," Brian said.

"I would've guessed at least 8 and a half," Blake said.

"I know," Brian laughed. "Didn't Marshall tell you about his size guarantee?  He makes sure we get real big!"

"Yeah he told us," Blake nodded.

"You guys are cute," Brian complimented. "Would you believe I had a body like yours a few years ago?" He laughed. "A few years and a couple pregnancies!"

"You look good to me," Wesley smiled. "You seem to be in good shape considering..."

"Thanks," Brian laughed. "I love what I do, the money's good, life's easy and this place is a lot of fun."

"That's good to hear," Wesley nodded. "I was a little concerned to see what kind of morale a place like this had, no offense," he said, turning to Jake.

"Hey I get it," Jake nodded. "The concept of a place like this can be pretty hard for some people to take in. But hopefully you'll see and hear from the guys that it's an enjoyable place for them to be."

"I think we're seeing that," Wesley nodded.


Chapter 5

After a few more minutes talking to Brian, Jake moved the group on to meet another guy.

"I should warn you," Jake said as he led the way down a small set of stairs at the end of the pool deck. "Tim is pretty big.  He's one of our community boys."

"OK," Blake nodded. 

At the bottom of the stairs there was another deck and some more chairs, in the center of which sat a large hot tub.

"Aren't pregnant people not supposed to go in hot tubs?" Wesley asked as they approached. He nodded to an "older" guy (in his mid-thirties) who was applying suntan lotion to his belly on one of the lounge chairs.

"It's not heated," Jake explained. "It's just a whirlpool. A lot of the boys like the bubbles.  Including this one right here," he said pointing to one of the guys in the whirlpool. "Hey Tim! I thought I'd find you down here!" Jake smiled.

"You know me too well," Tim grinned. He had both arms rested back on the walls of the pool.

Jake again made introductions. Tim didn't make an effort to get up or shake hands but nodded at the guys. The water was so bubbly that Blake and Wesley couldn't get a good look at Tim's belly but they could see he had a bigger set of pecs than the other guys as they rested out above the water.

"How you feeling today?" Jake asked as he took a knee beside Tim.

"Pretty good," Tim nodded. "Back was a little sore this morning so after breakfast I decided to come down here. Been here ever since," he chuckled. "I'm starting to get hungry for lunch.

"Need a hand out?" Jake offered.

"Sure," Tim nodded. "Patrick was down here helping me out earlier but he had a doctor's appointment so he had to go. Been waiting on someone else to help me out," he laughed.

"Here ya go," Jake said coming over to the steps.

Tim scooted his way over to the steps and stood up, reaching for Jake's outstretched hands. He had his back to Wesley and Blake so at first they still couldn't see anything but soon as Tim took the first step up out of the pool they saw.

Even from behind they could tell Tim was massively pregnant. The sides of his belly stuck out far from the rest of his body. The further he climbed out of the pool, the more of his body they could see. Tim had a huge ass. It was round and muscular and covered with a thick layer of fat. His wet suit clung to it, sticking deep into his crack. Tim's legs were really muscular and thick too, strong from carrying around so much weight.

Tim finally stepped completely out of the pool and Jake handed him his towel.  The towel was more like a picnic blanket it was so big. The moment Wesley and Blake had been waiting for came when Tim turned to the side and started drying himself off.

Tim's stomach was gigantic. Easily the biggest they'd seen at "the farm".  Actually it was easily the biggest stomach they'd ever seen. It started high under his large pecs and quickly jutted out from the rest of his body. They watched as Tim dried himself off, his arms stretching far as they could to reach the furthest point of the top of his belly. His stomach was riddled with hundreds of stretch marks making his tan skin look marbled, especially in the sunlight as the water made it shimmer and glisten. The couple shot each other a quick look, their eyes nearly popping out of their heads.

Tim waddled over to a lounge chair and Jake helped him sit down. He sat at the end of the chair, legs spread wide, letting his belly drop between them while still resting solidly on his thighs. He continued to work himself over with the towel.

"So you guys thinking of using one of us boys?" He asked the couple as he dried himself off under his pecs. 

"We're thinking about it," Wesley confirmed.

"Private or community?" Tim asked as moved the towel to his hair.

"We're not sure yet," Blake said, hardly able to take his eyes off the massive entity before them.

"Do community," Tim said. "It's cheaper. Plus a lot of the couples get to know each other during the process. You could make some new friends," he added.

"That's a good point," Jake chimed in. "We do a lot of activities for our parents to be. They can come spend time with their 'cow' so to speak," he added with a wink, patting Tim on the back. "And also get to meet the other couples he's carrying for if they're interested."

"That's something to think about," Wesley nodded.

"It's cool you guys keep the parents involved," Blake said. "I kinda thought you'd just give us a call when the baby's born."

"It can be that way if you want," Jake said. "Some people choose to do that but you're always welcome to come to the doctor's appointments, attend a yoga class, participate in one of our parent-to-be activities. However involved you want to be is up to you. You can do all that with a private pregnancy of course but when it's a community thing, like Tim said you get to meet other people in your situation. We've had a lot of friendships made here."

"So how many are you carrying?" Blake asked Tim.

"6," Tim said, rubbing his belly. "My biggest batch so far. A set of triplets, a set of twins and one single."

"When are you due?"

"Any day now," Tim smirked. "Whenever they all decide it's time," he said, looking down at his belly.

"How long have you worked here?" Wesley asked.

"Let's see," Tim said, thinking for a second. "I came here out of high school when I was 18, I'm 27 now, so 9 years," he nodded. "This is my 7th pregnancy."

"Wow!" Wesley exclaimed. "Have you been doing the community thing the whole time?"

"My first two were private," Tim explained. "Then I let Marshall talk me into trying a community pregnancy and I haven't gone back since. I like being pregnant. The more at once, the merrier I say," he winked.

"Tim's one of our best," Jake grinned.  "Not to say the other guys aren't good too," he clarified. "Everyone goes through a strong vetting process."

"Of course," Wesley nodded.

"Can you help me sit back, Jake?" Tim asked.

"Sure," Jake said as he moved to assist.

Blake and Wesley watched both men's muscles bulge as they worked to get Tim situated against the back of the chair.

"We'll let you rest," Jake said, patting Tim's belly.

"Yeah," Blake nodded. "Thanks for talking with us. You've given us a lot of good information."

"No problem," Tim smiled. "Hope I'll see you guys around. Jake, can you send someone down here to take my lunch order? I'd like to eat down here."

"Sure," Jake nodded. "I'll send someone right away."

Wesley and Blake said by to Tim and followed Jake back up to the pool and through the club house. On their way back to the office Jake quickly showed them through the dorms where the guys stayed. Each guy had his own room with a small fridge, a king sized bed and a private bathroom with a large shower and a separate, big tub. There was a large window and a big flat screen in each room. The couple was impressed.

"So guys, it was great meeting you," Jake said as they arrived back at the office. They all shook hands again. "I'll send you back to my dad now. Hope to see you guys again!"

"I'm sure you will," Blake grinned.


Chapter 6

Wesley and Blake had a few minutes alone while they waited for Marshall to finish with a phone call. While they waited they talked about what they wanted to do.

"So what did y'all think of the place?" Marshall asked when they were back in his office.

"It's pretty incredible," Wesley admitted. "Quite a set up."

"Jake do a good job showing' you 'round?"

"He did a great job," Blake nodded. 

"Glad to hear," Marshall nodded. "He's a good kid. He'll be runnin' this place one day.  So did y'all make a decision?"

The two looked at each other and nodded. "Yeah," Blake replied. "We're interested in doing community."

"Twins or a single?" Marshall asked.

"Twins," Wesley answered.

"Alright now let's see," Marshall said turning to his computer. "The other couples I've got, one of them wants twins too, the other just one.  I've got a great guy comin' off rest in a week. His name's Tony. Big, strong Italian kid. 23 years old, this'll be his 3rd pregnancy."

"OK," Blake nodded.

"Let me pull up the details on his last two pregnancies," Marshall said as he clicked his mouse.  "Let's see, Tony, Tony, Tony," he said as he scanned the report.  "Here we go.  First pregnancy he had twins, one baby was 13 lbs. 4 oz., the other was 13 lbs. 9 oz., that was a private pregnancy," Marshall explained.  "Second pregnancy he did a community.  He carried 4 babies.  The smallest was 12 lbs. 8 oz. and the largest was 15 lbs. 1 oz."

"That's impressive," Wesley nodded. 

"Yeah I'm very happy with him," Marshall agreed.  "He's a real nice kid too, very sociable, all the other guys like him.  Takes good care of himself and enjoys being pregnant.  I'd have y'all meet him today but he's off visitin' family," Marshall explained. "If you want, we can do the paper work today and y'all can come back next week when Tony's ready to go and we can get to makin' some babies! How's that sound?"

"Sounds good to us!" Blake grinned.

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Chapter 7

The next week went by so slowly for Wesley and Blake.  Now that they'd signed the paperwork and put down a deposit, they realized that their dream was finally happening: they were finally going to be parents.  They couldn't wait for the next weekend to come. 

Finally Saturday came around.  Neither one of them had slept well the night before.  They were both anxious and excited knowing that the next morning their journey to parenthood would officially begin. 

On their way out of town the couple stopped at a diner for breakfast.  They both picked at their food, hungry but too nervous to eat.  Since they hadn't slept well, they each had quite a bit of coffee trying to shake the tiredness they were starting to feel.  Back in the car, Blake and Wesley finally started to wake up and shake their nerves.  The closer they got to the farm, the better they felt, knowing that they were that much closer to creating their twins. 

When they arrived at the office, Sheila greeted them warmly and handed them a few more forms to fill out.  When they were done with those, they gave them back to her and she told them to head over to the medical building. 

At "the vet's", they were greeted by a nurse who showed them to an exam room where she left them to wait for the doctor.  A few minutes later, the doctor came in and introduced him. 

"Gentlemen," he said as he came in.  "I'm Dr. Clark, and I'll be helping the two of you become parents," he smiled. 

Blake and Wesley listened closely as the doctor went over the procedure on how they were going to "make" their twins.  He told them that two donor eggs would be used - the genetic info from the eggs would be removed and be replaced by genetic samples (a.k.a. semen) from each of the men.  Dr. Clark could sense that the men were nervous and told them that everything would be fine and not to worry. 

He brought the nurse back into the room to have her take blood samples from each of them - these samples would be used when the babies were born to ensure everyone participating in the pregnancy went home with the right child(ren).  After that, he left Wesley and Blake alone in the room with two cups, one each, that they were to fill with their "genetic samples". 

When the men had fulfilled their duty, they exited the room, depositing the cups on a tray outside the door.  The nurse at the desk told them to go back up to main office and Sheila would tell them where to go next. 

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Another great story Mr. Brimmingbelly04! Each of your writings is original and unique. The detail in your stories seems spot on and adds just the right embellishment to the story. There's always a mystery to how the story will unfold. I'm glad you are back and sharing your writing.

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Wow!! Excellent story Brimmingbelly!! Could easily become a classic around here!

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Thanks for the feedback guys! Much appreciated. Here's another chapter for you! :)

Chapter 8

"You boys certainly were quick!" Sheila said with a wink as the two returned to the office. "You can have a seat, Jake will be with you two in a few minutes," she smiled.

Blake and Wesley gave each other a quick grin when they heard they were going to see Jake again.  Many times over the long week they'd discussed just what a hunk he was.

"Hey guys!" Jake said as he came into the office a few minutes later. "Good to see you again!" He grinned.

"You too!" Wesley and Blake said at the same time, each with a big smile on their face.

"Dr. Clark told me you were done with him so I'm here to take you to meet Tony," Jake said. "You guys ready?"

"Yeah," Blake nodded. "We're really excited to meet him."

"Alright let's go," Jake said, waving them out the door. "I have one of the classrooms at the club house reserved for us."

On the way to the club house, Jake made a detour to the cafeteria. He told the guys to help themselves to whatever they wanted. They were both impressed by the vast assortment of food available but since they'd just had breakfast they each just got a small smoothie. After their pit stop, the three continued to the club house. Jake led the way to one of the classrooms where a table and chairs were set up in the middle of the room.

"Tony should be here any minute," he said as he sat. "You guys take a seat." Jake sat at the head of the table and Wesley and Blake took seats on one side, leaving the other side open for Tony.  Jake asked them how they'd been doing and they told him they'd been excited to come back all week.

"Hard to believe this is finally happening," Wesley grinned.

"It's always exciting for first time parents," Jake smiled.

"Do you have any kids?" Blake asked.

"No," Jake laughed. "Maybe someday.  This place keeps me busy. Sometimes I think of the guys as my kids, they're always needing something, which is fine. It's my job to take care of them so in a lot of ways they are my kids," he shrugged.

"But most of the guys are around your age," Wesley pointed out.

"Yeah I know," Jake nodded. "Still they're all my responsibility. Dad runs the place but more so on the business side, I keep the place running day to day. I'm too busy to think about a family of my own right now. Maybe when I have my dad's job I'll think about having kids."

"You want to have kids?" Blake asked.

"Definitely," Jake nodded. "I just want to be able to give them the time they need. With this job, I can't do that. I'm on call all day, every day," he explained. "My dad gets to go home at night, relax, all that good stuff. Me, I stay here. I've gotta be around in case anything comes up."

"Well from what we've seen, it's clear you do a great job," Wesley complimented.

"Thanks," Jake smirked.

Right then there was a knock at the door. "Come in!" Jake called. "That's probably Tony," he said turning to the couple. The door opened and in walked a young man. He was very tan and had black hair under a backwards baseball cap. He was wearing a bright white wife beater that revealed a very muscular upper body: broad shoulders, thick chest and bulging arms. The shirt was tight and clung to every curve, including the sizable belly he had. The outfit was completed with a black pair of basketball shorts and some Nike sandals, the shorts revealing a nice set of muscular legs covered in thick, black Italian fur.  The kid looked like he belonged on Jersey Shore, not out on a breeding farm.  He even had the pierced ears complete with large "diamond earrings" to match.

"Hey guys, sorry to keep you waiting," the kid said as he came in. "I'm Tony," he smiled. Blake and Wesley introduced themselves and shook hands with Tony. They both noticed how Tony's arm bulged as he shook each of their hands.

"Welcome back, Tony!" Jake said, giving Tony a high five. "You're looking good!"

"Thanks," Tony said as he took a seat across from the couple. "Just got back from the beach with my family," he said. "Got to spend a lotta time out in the sun," he grinned, showing off a set of perfect pearly whites.

"Nice," Jake grinned. "I keep tellin' myself that one of these days I'll let myself take a vacation."

"You deserve it man!" Tony said. "You work your butt off around here takin' care of all the guys.  I dunno what we'd do without you though," he said, shaking his head.

"Oh gimme a break," Jake said, rolling his eyes. "You guys could manage a few days without me."

"I dunno man," Tony chuckled.

"Anyway," Jake said, breaking the subject. "I think these two would like to get to know you a little instead of hearing us talk."

"Of course," Tony nodded. "You guys feel free to ask me anything. I'm an open book."

"Oh ok," Blake said, looking at Wesley quickly. "Well um," he paused. "Let's see... Did you have fun on vacation?"

"Yeah!" Tony grinned. "It was real nice gettin' away for a little. Don't get me wrong, I love this place," he clarified. "But it was good to get to see my folks and hang out with the fam," he said. "Family's real important to me. That's why I love this job. I get to help people like you start their own families," he smiled.

"That's really cool," Blake nodded. "What else made you want to work here?"

"My family's big on helping others out," Tony began. "My parents do a lot of charity work and I wanted to do something with my life that would help others out too. I won't lie, I was also interested in makin' some money!" He laughed. "And when I heard about the farm, a place where I could make money and help people have families, whether it was because they couldn't have kids themselves or didn't want to carry, I was interested so I came and checked it out. When I met Marshall, Jake and Sheila and all the other staff I knew this was a cool place and I've been here ever since."

"So this will be your third pregnancy?" Wesley asked.

"Yep," Tony nodded.

"First time carrying 5 babies, right?" Blake asked. "How do you feel about that?"

"Excited!" Tony grinned. "I dunno why but I really enjoy being pregnant. I had a blast being pregnant with 4 last time.  I didn't have any problems, wasn't uncomfortable 'til the end, so I figured why not go for 5?"

"Anything you don't like about being pregnant?" Wesley asked.

"Eh," Tony shrugged. "I'm not crazy 'bout the morning sickness but it wasn't too bad last time. Giving birth isn't a walk in the park but even that wasn't as bad as I thought it'd be."

"You're a pretty fit guy," Blake nodded. "You're ok with what pregnancy does to your body?"

"Oh yeah!" Tony nodded. "I love seein' myself get a little bigger each day. I can't wait to see how big I get with 5 babies!  I hear you guys are gonna have twins?"

"Yeah," Wesley smiled.

"That's cool," Tony smiled.

"What does your family think about your career?" Blake asked.

"At first they were surprised," Tony admitted. "They didn't understand why I'd want to give up my body this way but I invited them here to see the place and explained to them why I was doing it and they came around. Now they're proud of the work I'm doing."

"That's really cool," Blake nodded.

"Yeah I thought so," Tony agreed. "You guys seem really cool, I'm glad I'm going to be working with you."

"Thanks!" Blake grinned. "So are we."

"You're dad made another great match, Jake," Tony nodded.

"He's got a knack for pairing up people with the right guy," Jake agreed. "One of his many talents."

"So what happens next?" Wesley asked.

"Well Tony has a doctor's appointment today where he'll get impregnated with all the eggs," Jake explained. "That's the one appointment the parents-to-be aren't allowed at, doctor's orders. Then he'll be on bed rest for a couple days to make sure all the eggs take then we'll do a pregnancy test and if all goes as planned, you guys will have some twins on the way!" Jake smiled.

"Awesome!" Wesley grinned.

"Speaking of the doctor," Tony said, looking down at his watch. "I've gotta go. Don't wanna keep Dr. C waiting. It was really great meeting you two," he said to Blake and Wesley as he stood. "I hope you guys will come around and visit. I like getting to know the parents of the kids I'm carrying."

"Oh we'll definitely be around!" Wesley nodded. "We're really excited."

"So am I," Tony winked.

-- Edited by theKicking on Friday 14th of October 2011 11:44:19 PM

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Sorry everyone, don't know what's going on with the spacing and it won't let me fix it. I'll repost when I can.

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Let me give it a go...

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Ok, I think I got it! Let me know if you have any more problems!

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Thanks! Looks great. :)

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Awesome story so far, love the detail about the character's pregnancies

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If anyone's interested in helping me out, feel free to shoot me an email: (please only email with story suggestions or offers to help - I don't RP) Already got the next few chapters done but could always use some suggestions or ideas.

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always love your stories

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Hey All - Here's the next few chapters! Enjoy!


Chapter 9

"Did you bring your camera?" Wesley asked over the phone.

"No babe!" Blake said. "I'm not gonna be that guy," he huffed. "Bringing a camera to the exam room...  That's silly!"

"Says the guy that's gonna be there to see it!" Wesley whined.

"I have my phone," Blake said. "I'll try and take a couple pictures with that."

"OK," Wesley sighed. "I wish I could be there for the first sonogram. I'm so mad I have to work."

"I know," Blake comforted. "But we need to each take any job we can get. Even though we went the community route with Tony, these babies are expensive! So we gotta bring in all the money we can."

"It's not fair though that I had to work today," Wesley whined. "Who schedules a shoot for a Wednesday afternoon?"

"A photographer that knows how to get a cheap location," Blake chuckled. "Listen babe, I gotta go, I'm pulling up now.  Love you."

"Love you too. Please try and get a picture for me?"

"I will," Blake promised. "Bye."

Blake parked outside the medical building and went in. A nurse directed him to the exam room where Tony was already lying on the bed.

"Hey!" Tony waved.

"Hey Tony!" Blake grinned. "Good to see you. You're looking good!"

"Thanks," Tony smiled. "Getting pretty big already," he said rubbing his belly.

"I'll say," Blake nodded, looking at Tony's ripe belly. "Hard to believe you're only 3 months!"

"5 babies will do that to you," Tony laughed.

"It looks like you're already almost full term with one baby!" Blake said, shaking his head in disbelief. "I'm amazed!"

"Yeah," Tony nodded. "Soon as I got pregnant I started growing. So where's Wesley?"

"He had to work," Blake explained. "He's real bummed he couldn't come but he said to say hi."

"Yeah Dr. Clark told me the other couples won't be able to make it today either," Tony said. "So it's just gonna be you and me."

"OK," Blake nodded. "Hey listen, this is probably gonna sound weird, but Wesley wanted me to take a picture. Is that cool?"

"Of course!" Tony replied. "I'm all yours. You can do whatever you want."

"Thanks," Blake smirked, pulling out his phone and snapping a picture of Tony on the bed, wife beater pulled tight over his belly. "Wesley's gonna be amazed at how big you are."

A technician came into the room and introduced herself to Blake. She sat down next to Tony and asked him to roll his shirt up under his chest. He did as instructed and the tech covered his belly with jelly.

Seeing Tony's bare belly was pretty shocking for Blake. Already the linea negra was dark and pronounced as it traveled up his belly from his crotch to his chest. The sides of the sphere were covered with a faint crop of stretch marks from Tony's previous pregnancies. If his current growth was any indication, Blake figured he'd soon have many more to add to his collection.

The exam was brief, the tech pointing out each of the 5 babies on the monitor. She explained that currently it wasn't possible to determine which baby belong to who but there was technology in the works that would soon allow them to know which baby was which.

She gave Blake a print out of the sonogram, making sure to pick a shot that clearly showed each baby. She estimated by their size that each baby was around 2-3 lbs.

When the exam was done, the tech helped Tony wipe off his belly and pull down his shirt, then helped him off the bed. She said good bye and left the room.

"This is so cool," Blake grinned as he stared at the print out in his hands, wondering which two babies were his.

"The miracle of life," Tony smirked. "It is pretty amazing. So what do you have planned for the rest of the day?"

"Nothing really," Blake shrugged. "I kinda thought this was gonna take longer than it did so I didn't make any plans."

"I was gonna do a few laps around the track," Tony said as he pulled on his cap, putting it on backwards of course. "Wanna join?"

"Sure," Blake nodded.
Chapter 10

"You keep a good pace for a guy your size," Blake noted as he walked next to Tony. They had already done almost a mile and were still going at a good clip.

"Give me another couples months and I'll slow down," Tony laughed. "Right now my size and weight is still manageable."

"How big do you think you'll get?" Blake asked.

"Last pregnancy I gained almost 200 lbs.," Tony said, running a hand over the front of his belly. "I'm figuring I'll gain another 30-40 lbs. with the extra baby."

"Jesus!" Blake exclaimed.

"Yeah it's a lot!" Tony laughed. "But I keep up a good fitness routine," he explained. "Hit the gym a lot to lift and do squats, take yoga to keep limber and keep my core strong. I also do the birthing class they have and I walk a lot either on the track or on the treadmill."

"I can't imagine gaining so much weight in 9 months," Blake said shaking his head. "I don't know how I'd move around let alone do everything you just said."

"I learned it's important to keep active and work out," Tony said. "My first pregnancy was actually a lot harder for me than my last because I didn't work out as much. But if you keep fit, it's amazing the changes your body can deal with. I was pretty mobile and active up 'til the last couple weeks last time," he explained. "Then my belly was just so big that it was hard to do a lot of stuff."

"I can imagine," Blake nodded.

"So you and Wesley live in the city?"

"Yeah, we're right downtown. We've got a 3 bedroom condo that we love," Blake said. "You'll have to come check it out sometime," he offered.

"I'd like that," Tony nodded. "Go hang out in the city for the weekend, sounds like fun. Maybe even hit a few clubs!" He laughed.

"If you're up for it, we are!" Blake laughed.

"Just let me know when and I'm down," Tony grinned.
Chapter 11

Over dinner that night Blake showed Wesley the picture he'd taken and the screen shot of the sonogram. Wesley was impressed with Tony's size.

"He's a really cool guy," Blake said, filling Wesley in on he and Tony's time hanging out. "I invited him to the condo for a weekend."

"That sounds like a good idea," Wesley nodded.  "Man," he said, shaking his head as he looked at Tony's picture on his phone. "He looks good pregnant. That tan, all those muscles. That's what you'd look like pregnant, babe," he added with a wink.

"You wish!" Blake laughed. "You should see all the stretch marks he has. I'd never do that to myself!  More power to him."

"I can't wait to see him in person," Wesley said. "Now that he's showing it makes it all the more real."

"Tony told me there's a "pre-parent" potluck in a couple weeks," Blake said. "The other couples should be there so we'd get to meet them. You wanna go?"

"Yeah," Wesley nodded. "Definitely!"

"OK, I'll RSVP to Jake."

"Oooh! We get to see Jake too?" Wesley grinned. "Sign us up now!"
Chapter 12

"I'm glad we signed up to bring dessert," Blake said as he returned to the car with the cake he'd just picked up from their favorite local bakery. "This last week's been too crazy to even think about cooking."

"And poor you haven't been able to eat," Wesley reminded. "But now that the body building competition is over, you can eat whatever you want."

"I can't wait," Blake grinned, lifting the lid of the box to eye the cake. "I'm about to tear into this thing!"

"Hold on!" Wesley said, putting the car back in park. "Put it in the back," he ordered.

"You don't trust me?" Blake asked with a frown.

"I know how you are after a competition," Wesley smirked. "I wouldn't put it past you to tear into that cake face first. Put it in the back."

"Fine," Blake grumbled. "You really do know me."

Since it was Friday evening there was a lot of traffic as city dwellers and commuters made a mass exodus from the concrete jungle they spent too much time in. With all the traffic, the trip took two hours but they'd left early enough that they still made it to the farm on time.  Wesley parked in front of the cafeteria and got out and stretched while Blake retrieved the tempting cake from the back seat.  With their contribution to the meal in hand, they headed in.

Jake greeted them inside and Blake reluctantly handed over the cake to him. They followed Jake through the room where he put the cake down on a long table already covered with food. Blake was practically drooling.

"Here's your table guys," Jake said. "Everyone else should be here soon. Probably stuck in traffic. I need to remember to do these things on a Saturday."

"Yeah traffic was pretty rough," Wesley informed.

"Well I'm glad you made it," Jake smiled. "I've gotta go get everyone else settled in. Feel free to have a seat, start eating or mingle if you want. I'll come check on you later."

The couple decided to sit and wait for the rest of their party, their "cow" included. There were 4 other round tables set up, some of them already full of people, some empty.

"I hope Tony likes the cake," Blake said.

"Nervous your friend won't like what you picked out?" Wesley teased, poking Blake in his muscular arm.

"Shut up!" Blake said, rolling his eyes. "You think he'll like it though?"

"Of course," Wesley nodded. "Everyone loves everything from that place."

"OK," Blake shrugged.

"Hey Wesley! Hey Blake!" Tony said as he approached. The two turned to greet him. Instead of his usual outfit, Tony was wearing a pair of khaki shorts and a black Polo that fit snugly on his pregnant frame. He wasn't wearing his hat either and had his black hair gelled up to a cute little duck bill in the front.

"I'm starving!" He said as he sat down next to Wesley, much to Wesley's delight.

"So is Blake," Wesley said. "He just competed in a body building competition so he's been starving himself this last week."

"How'd you do?" Tony asked.

"Came in first," Blake grinned.

"Congrats man!" Tony nodded. "You're lookin' real cut!"

"Thanks," Blake smirked. "And you're looking a little bigger than the last time I saw you."

"You're looking a lot bigger than the last time I saw you," Wesley added.

"Well this is only the second time you've seen me," Tony winked at Wesley. "And I've definitely done some growing!"

"Any kicks yet?" Wesley asked.

"Not yet," the pregnant stud shook his head. "That usually happens closer to the 5th month so I have a little ways to go."

"Five set of feet kicking around inside," Blake said, shaking his head in sympathy. "Good luck with that!"

"Ha!" Tony laughed. "Where are David and Hank and Sara and Rex?" He asked, looking around for the other couples. "I'm 'bout to start without them!  They're keeping their children hungry!" He joked.

The three waited for ten more minutes.  Blake and Tony were both getting anxious and the look of hunger on their faces was obvious. Finally the other two couples arrived and Tony made introductions.

Sara and Rex were a straight, white couple in their early thirties.  They were having the other set of twins, their first children as well.  David and Hank were a young, gay African American couple who were expecting one baby, their second child.

"Alright guys you can all get to know each other more but I'm gonna go hit the food," Tony said, patting his belly. "I've got some hungry kids to feed!"

Everyone laughed and followed Tony to the buffet. David and Hank had brought Hank's famous pulled pork and Sara and Rex had brought a salad. Everyone loaded up on food, Tony and Blake taking the most and returned to the table.

The conversation was good. David and Hank had a lot of advice and information to share since they were already parents. The other couples listened attentively as they shared parenting stories. Everyone doted on Tony, offering to get him more food, or refill his water. Tony was accepting of the help and eagerly ate all the food everyone piled in front of him.

"You sure put it away," Rex laughed as he watched Tony shovel more pulled pork in his mouth.

"I gotta make sure I get your babies nice and big!" Tony winked. "I've got a size guarantee to meet!"

After dessert (everyone loved the cake), the evening wound down. Everyone exchanged numbers and emails having all enjoyed each others company. They promised to all get together soon at one of their houses to get to know each other more, after all, their children were all "siblings" of sorts.
Chapter 13

After the dinner, suddenly Blake and Wesley had a flood of jobs come in. They hardly saw each other for almost two months as they each traveled to other cities, sometimes even other countries for their gigs.

They were both upset that they didn't get to go out to the farm and see Tony but they kept in touch via email with him and the other couples. Someone always made sure to send them pictures or a copy of the latest sonogram to document the babies' progress

If it hadn't been for the twins, Blake and Wesley wouldn't have taken all the jobs they were offered, but they were trying to save up some money so they'd be able to spend a few months at home with their newborns when the time came. Not to mention, they had a sizable payment to make to Marshall each month on top of all their other expenses.

Finally the two hectic months came to an end. Blake and Wesley were exhausted from all the work and all the traveling but they were anxious to get back to the farm.  They sent Tony an email and asked if they could come out and see him the next day.

Tony replied that missed the guys and he was doing well but he was currently at Sara and Rex's and would be for the next few days. He told them though that he'd save the next weekend for them, suggesting they come out Thursday evening, have dinner and then bring him back to their place for the weekend. They replied that they'd love that and couldn't wait to see him.
Chapter 14

Blake and Wesley were ecstatic by the time next Thursday came around.  On their way out of town, they even stopped at the car wash to have the car detailed inside and out. They'd spent all day cleaning their condo and getting the guest room ready for Tony.

"Long time no see guys!" Tony said as he hugged each of them.

"Can you believe it's been two months?" Wesley asked. "Where does time go?"

"You're huge dude!" Blake said, putting his hands on each side of Tony's belly.

Tony's growth in the last two months since they'd seen him was considerable. At 5 months pregnant, he now looked easily overdue with a set of large twins. The bottom of his belly hung out for them to see, his hoody unable to cover his middle fully anymore.

"I get bigger everyday!" Tony smirked. "And I'm ready to get bigger now! Can we go eat?"

"Sure!"  Wesley nodded.

Blake grabbed Tony's bag and carried it to the car for him.  Tony made to get in the back seat but Blake insisted that he ride shotgun so he could have more room.  The couple asked Tony what he was hungry for and he quickly suggested a barbecue place he really liked that also happened to be on the way back to the city. 

With directions from Tony, Wesley easily found the barbecue place.  When they got out and opened the doors, Blake and Wesley knew it was gonna be good, the smell of smoked meats and tangy barbecue sauce filled their noses. 

The place was a dive but the food was great.  Tony and his big belly turned a few heads but they were still pretty close to the farm so most people were used to seeing a very large pregnant man.  The pregnant young man managed to put away three pulled pork sandwiches, two big cups of sweet tea, some corn bread, a side of mac and cheese and a side of potato salad.  Even after all that, he got a piece of pecan pie for the road. 

With all the food, iced tea and babies he was carrying, Wesley wasn't surprised when 45 minutes after they'd left the restaurant, Tony asked him to stop so he could use the restroom.  Wesley stopped at the next gas station and filled up the car's tank while Tony emptied his. 

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great chapters

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Great story. I cant wait to read the rest. I love it

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I'm dying for more, can't wait to see the rest and when the babies come.

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Chapter 15

"This place is awesome guys!" Tony said as he waddled into the condo. "You've got a doorman, an elevator, the works!"

"Thanks," Blake nodded. "We're happy with it. Let me show you to your room." Blake led the way down the hall with Tony's bag. He pointed out he and Wesley's room and then showed him to the guest room.

"Sweet!" Tony nodded as he took in his accommodations. "This is like a fancy hotel! And look, there's even a mini-fridge!"

"That was my idea!" Wesley smiled. "It's stocked with fruit and yogurt and juice and water in case you want a snack."

"But feel free to check out the real fridge too," Blake pointed out. "We stocked that up too. And the freezer with ice cream."

"You guys didn't have to do all this," Tony said.

"It's the least we could do for the guy carrying our babies," Wesley shrugged.

"Well you didn't have to do it but I appreciate it," Tony grinned. "You said there's ice cream in the freezer?"

"Yep," Blake nodded. "Ben & Jerry's."

"Awesome!" Tony said. "I think I'll have some and then maybe we can talk about what we're gonna do." Since Wesley and Blake didn't have any dessert at the restaurant (or to go), they joined Tony in a bowl of ice cream. As they ate the creamy treat, they discussed what they'd do for the weekend.

"I haven't been in the city since my break after I had the twins," Tony said as he spooned more ice cream into his mouth.

"Well there's plenty to do," Wesley said. "Whatever you want to do or go see just let us know.  Or if you just wanna hang out around here that's cool too. There's a pool up on the roof."

"Nice," Tony nodded. "But I spend enough time at the pool at the farm. I'd like to get out and see some sights, maybe go to a couple museums tomorrow?" He suggested.

"That'd be nice,"  Blake nodded. "We haven't gone to any in awhile."

"I really wanna check out the King Tut exhibit at the Natural History Museum," Tony said. "I'm kind of a history buff."

"We can go tomorrow," Wesley nodded. "I can reserve some tickets online right now."

"OK," Tony grinned. "You guys won't be bored will you?"

"Not at all!" Wesley laughed, shaking his head. "We both like history."

"All the guys at the farm make fun of me," Tony chuckled. "I'm always reading some history book or watching some documentary."

"History's important," Blake nodded.

"You know what seems like ancient history?" Tony laughed. "The last time I went out to a club or bar.  You guys up to going out for a little?"

"Sure," Wesley shrugged, looking over at Blake who nodded. "We've been so busy lately with work, we haven't been out in forever either. Might as well go all we can before the twins come!"

"Where do you guys go out?" Tony asked as he stood from the table and waddled over to the sink with his bowl.

"There's Freddie's right down the street," Blake said. "Just your average bar, nothing special, though they do have really good drink specials but in your case..."

"Yeah I won't be doin' any drinkin' right now!" Tony laughed, rubbing his belly.

"We could go to Oswald's," Wesley suggested. "It's a lounge and they have karaoke."

"That sounds cool," Tony nodded as he leaned against the counter. "I might have a couple songs in me," he winked.

"It's a gay place though," Wesley added. "Is that cool?"

"Totally!" Tony nodded.

"Alright well since we're all in agreement, why don't we go get ready?" Blake suggested. "It's still pretty early," he said looking at his watch. "So we have time to shower and stuff then let's say leave in an hour?"

"Sounds good to me," Tony agreed. "This'll be fun!"

-- Edited by theKicking on Saturday 22nd of October 2011 10:33:43 AM

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Chapter 16:

Everyone was ready to go an hour later.  Wesley wore a dark pair of jeans and a white collared shirt, leaving the top few buttons open while Blake and Tony wore similar outfits of jeans and tight T-shirts, though Tony's was a little tighter. His shirt was a heather grey and had the classic "baby on board" logo across the chest but the "y" was crossed out and had "ies" scribbled over it. It was a cute and funny shirt that fit him like a glove.

They all headed downstairs and since Oswald's was pretty close by, decided to walk there. Wesley offered to drive, worried the walk might be a little much for Tony but Tony reminded him that he needed the exercise.

Since it was Thursday night, the place wasn't too crowded and they were able to find a table close to the stage. Tony turned quite a few heads when he entered.  While male pregnancy was of course very common, it wasn't everyday you'd see such a heavily pregnant young guy walk into a bar.

"It's kinda funny to have everyone stare at me," Tony chuckled as he sat down and looked around, catching a few guys obviously staring at him, eyes big as they saw his bulge.

"If you're uncomfortable we don't have to stay," Wesley said.

"Oh no, I'm fine," Tony assured him. "It's just funny to me. I know I'm pretty big but no one gives me a second look at the farm so I've just grown accustomed to that," he explained. "I'm sure they're all wondering what the hell I'm doin' at a bar!" He laughed.

"You sure you're OK with this?" Blake confirmed.

"Oh yeah," Tony nodded. "They can stare all they want," he winked. "Just wait 'til I get up on stage and sing!"

"You were serious about that?" Wesley laughed.

"Hell yeah!" Tony grinned. "I love karaoke!  What're you guys gonna sing?"

"Oh we don't sing!" Blake laughed.

"Come on!"

"No way!" Wesley shook his head "We just come here to watch everyone else."

"Hey guys," a cute server said as he came up to the table. "What can I get you to drink?"

"I'll have a gin and tonic," Wesley said. "Extra limes. Babe, you want an old fashioned?"

"Yeah," Blake nodded.

"And for you?" The server asked, turning to Tony. "Lemme guess, a red bull and vodka?" He asked with a wink.

"How'd you know?" Tony laughed. "Just a water is fine."

"Be right back guys," the server said as he left for the bar.

"I can't believe you guys aren't gonna sing with me," Tony frowned, crossing his arms over the top of his belly. "No fun!"

"I think we'd clear the place out if either one of us got up there," Blake joked. "Neither one of us has the best voice."

"I'm sure half these people here suck," Tony laughed. "Take this guy," he said, nodding toward the stage where a guy was doing his best Whitney Houston, "I'm Every Woman".  I'd rather listen to Rebecca Black without auto tune!"

"Yeah he's struggling a little," Wesley nodded, wincing slightly as the guy attempted to hit a high note.

"He doesn't care how he sounds though," Tony pointed out. "That's half the fun!"

"Here we go guys," the server said as he returned with their drinks.

"Thanks," Tony said as he took a sip of his water. "I've got a question for you."

"Shoot," the server said.

"I'm trying to convince my friends here that it doesn't matter if they can sing or not," Tony said, giving the couple the evil eye.

"Oh please!" The server laughed. "You don't have to carry half a tune to get up there!  Most people don't even know the words to the songs they pick let alone the tune!"

"See guys!" Tony smirked.

"You gonna get up and sing something for us?" The server asked Tony.

"Definitely," Tony nodded. "I've got no shame in my game!"

"I'm excited to see what you choose," the server winked. "Let me know if you guys need anything else," he said as he walked off.

"I think someone might think you're cute, dude!" Blake chuckled, elbowing Tony.

"Whatever," Tony rolled his eyes. "I'll be right back," he said as he stood. "I'm gonna go sign up to sing! 'Cause I'm fun!"  He added as he waddled to the side of the stage to sign up.

"Blake! What if he seriously doesn't think we're cool?" Wesley asked. "What if Sara and Rex sang karaoke with him?"

"Good for them!" Blake said. "You know I'm not gettin' up there and I sure as hell know you're not! Besides Tony's just givin' us grief!"

"I'm worried," Wesley frowned.

"Relax!" Blake chuckled, shaking his head at his nervous partner. "Do us both a favor and calm down and have fun. Drink your drink."

"OK," Wesley sighed.

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Chapter 17

"So what song did you pick?" Blake asked when Tony returned to the table.

"You'll have to wait and see," Tony winked. "There's like 10 people ahead of me including 'Whitney'," he said, referring to "Ms. Houston".  "Looks like he signed himself up a few more times."

"Lucky us!" Wesley groaned as he finished his drink.

They had to sit through two more poorly executed Whitney songs, one group number, "Forget You" in the style of Glee and a few other forgettable numbers before Tony was up.

Finally Tony's name was called and he got up and waddled to the stage. A hunky man sitting next to the stage quickly stood and offered his hand to help Tony up the short flight. Blake and Wesley were both surprised to see Tony accept the help.

When Tony got on stage, the whole place was looking at him and he was loving it. He waddled out to the middle of the stage, grabbed the mic, smoothed down his shirt over his belly and turned to the DJ and nodded for him to start the music.

Neither Blake or Wesley had any idea what song Tony had picked. Suddenly the unmistakable start to MC Hammer's, "Can't Touch This" started and Tony hit the rhymes full force.

He moved around the stage with surprisingly agility. Everyone fixated on Tony as he hit every line of the song. Each time he rapped "can't touch this" he groped and rubbed his belly. Soon the whole bar was hooting and hollering at him, loving the show the pregnant stud was putting on. Wesley and Blake looked around the bar catching plenty of guys staring at Tony in amazement, a few even licking their lips as they watched him waddle around the stage, rubbing his big belly.

When the song ended, nearly everyone was on their feet, Blake and Wesley included. Tony had done an amazing job nailing the song and the effort he'd put into the performance was obviously much appreciated. Tony stood on stage, took a couple bows with a big grin plastered on his face and put the mic back and gave either side of his bloated belly a rub before making his way off. The same guy who'd helped him onto the stage helped him back down and even escorted him back to the table. As Tony sat back down the whole crowd was still cheering.

"You did awesome!" Wesley grinned. "Everyone loved it!"

"I figured I'd do something funny," Tony shrugged as he looked around the bar, nodding to the guys who were still cheering - there were plenty of them. "I can really sing though," he added. "Not just rap."

"Did you sign up for another song?" Blake asked.

"Nah," Tony said, shaking his head. "One's enough for me tonight."

They hung out for a little longer. A couple of guys approached the table to tell Tony what a good job he'd done. Tony was gracious and took in all the adoration.  After a few more songs, none of which competed with Tony's they all decided to go home.

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Chapter 18

"That was a lot of fun guys," Tony said as he waddled in to the condo. "Thanks for taking me out."

"It was our pleasure," Wesley smiled. "You made yourself quite a few fans tonight."

"Yeah," Blake nodded, heading for the fridge where he pulled out three bottles of water and distributed them. "I was sure a couple guys were gonna ask you home with them," he winked.

"Too bad none of them did," Tony frowned as he sat down at the table.

"Wait," Wesley said, sitting down across from Tony. "Are you gay?"

"Um, yeah!" Tony nodded, sounding surprised. "Didn't you guys know that?"

"No!" Wesley said. "It never really came up before."

"Well I am," Tony shrugged. "No big deal."

"Of course not," Wesley said. "I mean obviously we don't care - we're gay ourselves I'm just surprised!"

"What about you?" Tony asked Blake. "Did you know?"

"No," Blake replied. "I'm surprised too!"

"So now that you know," Tony began. "You have any hot, single friends that are into big pregnant guys?" He asked with a laugh.

"Not that I know of," Wesley frowned. "Most of our friends are partnered already."

"Damn," Tony sighed, scratching his belly.

"I take it it's been awhile since you've had some?" Blake asked.

"Blake!" Wesley exclaimed, reaching out to slap his partner's thigh. "That's rude!"

"It's fine," Tony chuckled. "Actually it hasn't been too long," he admitted.

Both men looked at him with shocked faces. "Don't look so surprised!" Tony laughed.  "Most of the guys at the farm are gay and single and we like to mess around sometimes," he shrugged. "Don't worry, we're all tested regularly and we're all safe."

"So you guys all fuck around?" Blake asked bluntly.

"Not all of us," Tony explained. "And not all the time. But sometimes we're all we've got and pregnancy makes most people super horny so it's kinda convenient. There's always someone to fulfill a need if one arises."

"So it sounds like you actually get it often enough," Wesley pointed out.

"Yeah," Tony nodded. "Still I like to get it in with a guy that doesn't have a big belly gettin' in the way every once in awhile. One huge belly in the way is enough, sometimes with two, there's a lot of stuff that can't be done. Especially if we're both close to the end which is when the hormones are the worst!" He groaned.

"Wow I didn't realize it was so intense at the end," Wesley said.

"Oh yeah," Tony nodded emphatically. "For me it is anyway. Seems like the bigger and further along I get, the hornier I get too!"

"Well maybe we'll find you a guy at the museum tomorrow," Blake said.

"You mean today," Wesley pointed out. "It's 1 in the morning."

"We should probably hit the hay then," Blake said, rubbing Wesley's shoulder.

"Yeah I'm sure you're tired," Wesley said to Tony.

"I'm gettin' there," Tony nodded. "I might have another bowl of ice cream then go to bed. What time do I need to get up?"

"Let's say 9?" Blake suggested. "I'll have breakfast ready for you two then."

"Sounds good to me," Tony smiled. "Can we have pancakes?"

"Sure," Blake nodded.

"With blueberries?"

"Of course!" Blake winked.

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Chapter 19

The next morning as promised, Blake woke up early and made breakfast. Tony wolfed down 10 blueberry pancakes, lots of scrambled eggs and countless strips of bacon. Wesley and Blake were a little more reserved with their eating.

After breakfast everyone showered and got ready. Wesley and Blake showered together and worked in a quickie underneath the hot water. They both had big smiles on their faces as they came into the living room where Tony was waiting for them.

"By the looks on your faces and the sounds I just heard, I'd say you two just had some fun in the shower," Tony winked.

"What?" Wesley laughed, feeling his cheeks redden slightly.

"Come on guys, the walls aren't that thick!" Tony chuckled. "Was it good?"

"Face it honey," Blake said, kissing his embarrassed partner on the cheek. "We're busted."

"OK, OK," Wesley groaned. "Yes, it was good!"

"There's nothing wrong with some fun in the shower," Tony shrugged. "The water makes it fun though I usually don't fool around in the shower when I'm any bigger than this," he said, patting the belly that rested on top of his thighs. "Don't wanna slip or anything."

"You did say you only have safe sex," Blake jokingly reminded.

"Touche," Tony winked.

Since it was Friday and they knew parking would be a nightmare downtown, Wesley and Blake suggested taking the subway to the museum. The platform at the station was still pretty crowded as the stragglers and people who overslept rushed to work.

When the train came it was standing room only. The three men forced their way on, Tony's belly helping to clear a path. Plenty of people looked up from their seats at Tony but none offered up their place to the pregnant man.

"I can't believe no one offered you a seat!" Blake said to Tony, loud enough for the people sitting around them to hear. A couple people looked up then quickly turned their attention back to the iPads or smart phones.

"It's OK," Tony said as he held on to the bar overhead. "I'm still comfortable standing. Give me a couple months and then I might say something," he laughed.

As the train moved down the track,  Wesley watched Tony's belly move around. The rhythm of the train caused it to rock side to side and occasionally bounce up and down. The rhythmic movement was mesmerizing to Wesley. With his hand over his head, the bottom of Tony's Polo started to ride up, exposing more and more of his lower belly as it went. Soon a good 4" of ripe skin was visible as was the dark happy trail that started in Tony's jeans and went up the center of his stomach, shading the linea negra.

Wesley debated saying something to Tony but couldn't decide whether it would be more embarrassing for him to point out what he was seeing or not say anything at all. Wesley's inner turmoil ended when Tony used his free hand to adjust his shirt, pulling it back down over most of his exposed flesh, leaving just a little showing.

As they got closer to downtown, more and more people got off at each spot. Finally some seats opened up and the three sat, Tony taking a bench to himself so he could let his belly rest between his legs. When they reached their stop they got off the train and took the escalator up to street level. The stop let out right across the street from the museum and a few minutes later they were inside.

The exhibit was so popular that the museum was selling tickets to it. Wesley had gotten tickets for the 12PM slot so they had some time to check out some of the other exhibits.
Suddenly Wesley knew he knew what being a dad was going to be like. Tony wanted to go see the dinosaurs and Blake wanted to go see the gem collection. Wesley suggested that they all split up so everyone could see what they wanted to see - they were after all each adults but Tony and Blake were insistent on showing each other "their stuff".

Feeling like a father trying to prevent a fight, Wesley said they had time to go see both exhibits (forget what he wanted to see) but they had to do it quickly so they could line up in time for their showing. The two men agreed.

It had been a few years since he'd last visited so Wesley grabbed a map and looked at the layout. The dinosaurs were on the first floor so they would go there first, then head to the second floor to see the gems which was right next to their final destination, King Tut.

Along with Egypt, Tony had an interest in dinosaurs. Wesley found it cute when Tony excitedly described to the couple what dinosaur was what, where it was from and what it ate... He was like a kid in a candy store as he waddled through the large hall.

After the lesson in dinosaurs, they went to the gem collection. Unlike Tony, Blake didn't have a real interest in gems or even know anything about them. Plain and simple, he just liked shiny, pretty things. Wesley couldn't even count the number of times Blake had dragged him into a jewelry store just to stare at the sparkling merchandise.

With the "kids" finally satisfied, they made their way to the King Tut exhibit and got in line, waiting for their group to be let in. There were numerous school groups in line and the three men found themselves right in the middle of one.

"Boys settle down please!" A man's voice said, further down the line. "Ashley, don't play with that rope, it's to keep you in line, not to hang on!"

The voice got closer and finally showed it's face. It belonged to a man in his early thirties, blonde hair, light brown eyes, nice shoulders, covered by a button down and a sweater which clung to an obviously pregnant belly.

"Hi guys," he said when he approached the men.

"Hey," Blake smiled.

"Sorry you're stuck in here with us," he said rolling his eyes. "The school thought it would be good for my second grade class to come see King Tut.  I thought it would be too but now I'm not so sure!" He chuckled.

"It's no problem," Wesley said. "They seem pretty well behaved."

"I'm just praying one of them doesn't bump into something and knock over an ancient Egyptian artifact!" The teacher said. "Though I'm one to talk, I've got just as good a chance bumping into something now!" He said, patting his belly.

"Join the club," Tony laughed, giving his own belly a rub. "I'm Tony," he said, extending his hand.

"Mike," the teacher replied. "To them I'm Mr. Randolph."

Wesley and Blake introduced themselves to Mike then let him and Tony continue talking.

"So how far along are you?" Tony asked.

"Five months," Mike said, looking down at his belly. "Twins. You must be getting pretty close yourself."

"Actually I'm five months too," Tony replied. "But I'm having five babies," he added, filling Mike in on what he did.

"That's neat," Mike nodded. "This is my first pregnancy and I'm doing it by myself. Not the easiest thing but I really wanted to start a family."

"Well if you ever want some tips or have any questions, let me give you my number," Tony offered. "I'm kind of an expert when it comes to pregnancy," he added with a wink.

"Thanks!" Mike said after he put the number into his phone. "I really appreciate it. I'm still pretty new in town and haven't met a lot of people yet and like I said, I'm new to this whole pregnancy thing..."

"No problem," Tony nodded.

"Mr. Randolph!" One of the kids called. "I have to go to the bathroom!"

"Shoot I gotta go," Mike groaned. "It was great meeting you and thanks for the number," he smiled.

"Feel free to text or call anytime," Tony said as Mike started to walk off. "For anything!"

"OK!" Mike grinned. "It was nice to meet you guys," he waved to Wesley and Blake.

"You too!" Wesley waved back.

"Smooth moves man," Blake nodded. "Didn't we say you might meet a guy at the museum?" He winked

"Yeah but I was hoping for a not pregnant one!" Tony chuckled. "But he's pretty cute. And I like a man who likes kids."

"He was really cute!" Wesley said. "If he texts or calls you, you should ask him on a date!"

"We'll see," Tony said. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves."

-- Edited by brimmingbelly04 on Tuesday 25th of October 2011 01:30:31 PM

-- Edited by brimmingbelly04 on Tuesday 25th of October 2011 01:31:08 PM

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Chapter Twenty

Everyone really enjoyed the exhibit. The museum had done a great job laying out the huge amount of artifacts and with the preset times, it was never too crowded allowing everyone to get a good look at everything.  Tony saw Mike a few times and they exchanged waves but Mike was busy keeping an eye on his class, making sure no one got too close to anything.

It took almost two hours to see everything and when they were done everyone was hungry. They headed back downstairs and checked out the food court but it was filled with another school group so Wesley suggested they go somewhere else.

They headed back for the train and took it a couple stops back toward home before they got off and found a pizza place. It was a little off the beaten path so it wasn't crowded but Blake and Wesley had been there a couple times and knew it was good.

Two large pizzas later, one eaten just by Tony, they got back on the train and headed home. It was such a nice day out, Wesley suggested they head up to the roof and hang out by the pool.  Blake packed a cooler, water and iced tea for Tony, a few beers for he and Wesley and they headed up. No one did any swimming, they just relaxed on the lounge chairs enjoying the sun and catching some naps.

After a couple hours they headed back downstairs and were discussing dinner when Tony's phone rang. He didn't recognize the number but picked up anyway, waddling into his room to take the call.  A few minutes later he came back into the living room where Wesley and Blake were lying on the couch watching TV. He gently lowered himself into a big comfy chair.

"So Mike just called me," Tony said with a small smile.

"Ooooh!" Wesley grinned. "What did he say?"

"He wanted to know if I was free for dinner tonight."

"What did you tell him?" Blake asked.

"I told him I'd check with you guys and see if we had any plans," Tony said.

"We were thinking of ordering in," Wesley said. "Nothing fancy but Mike's welcome to come over if you'd like to invite him."

"He invited me to his place," Tony said. "He said he likes to cook."

"You should go!" Wesley said.

"Is that cool with you guys? I feel bad, I came here to hang out with you."

"It's fine," Blake assured. "We're just gonna do the old couple thing, order some Chinese, watch some movies. Go have fun."

"It's just dinner at his place," Tony shrugged.

"Go!" Wesley said.

"Yeah man, go!" Blake chimed in.

"OK," Tony nodded. "He does seem pretty nice," he conceded. "And he's cute."

"Exactly!" Wesley nodded. "So go get changed and head over there."

"He gave me his address but to be honest I have no idea where it is," Tony said as he hoisted himself out of the chair.

"No problem," Blake said. "We'll have the doorman call you a cab when you're ready."

"OK," Tony nodded. "Do you think I should bring something?"

"That'd be nice," Wesley nodded. "Tell him you'll bring dessert," he suggested.

"But I don't have any dessert," Tony frowned.

"I'll give you the address of our favorite bakery," Blake said. "The one we got that cake from. You can stop there on the way."

"That cake was awesome!" Tony grinned. "OK. I'm gonna go get ready!"

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Chapter Twenty-One

"I brought a cake," Tony said, extending his arms, handing the cake to Mike soon as he opened the door.

"I told you you didn't have to bring anything," Mike said with a smirk as he took the cake.

"It's a really good cake though," Tony said as he closed the door behind him.

"I'm sure we'll enjoy it," Mike smiled. "It's awfully big though for just the two of us."

"Come on, I know you can do some damage to some cake. I know what it's like to carry twins," Tony reminded.

"Sometimes I can't believe how much I eat!" Mike said as he put the cake down on the counter. "It's like I'm insatiable! Normally I'm a real calorie counter but since getting pregnant, that's kinda gone out the window," he frowned, looking down at his t-shirt covered middle.

"You look like you still work out," Tony observed.

"I do," Mike nodded. "I try to get to the gym every other day. I'm a little worried about getting back in shape after I have the twins."

"Keeping fit through the pregnancy really helps," Tony said.

"Says the young kid," Mike chuckled. "How old are you?"


"God I knew you were young but that's young!" Mike groaned.

"How old are you?" Tony asked.

"31," Mike sighed.

"There's plenty of guys your age at the farm," Tony said as he leaned against the counter.

"That makes me feel better," Mike smiled. "I know 31's not old but I knew I had to start a family soon."

"30's the new 20," Tony shrugged.

"So that makes you 13!" Mike laughed.

"Whatever!" Tony laughed. "I'm only 8 years younger than you."

"How many times have you been pregnant?" Mike asked as he went over to the stove. Tony noticed that he hadn't started waddling yet.

"This is my third pregnancy," Tony said, then told Mike about his previous two.

"I dunno how you do it," Mike said, shaking his head as he peeked in the oven. "This is a lot harder than I thought."

"First pregnancy is always the most challenging," Tony nodded. "You don't know what to expect, your body's going through changes it never has before, hormones, cravings, all that fun stuff."

"I haven't had any cravings yet," Mike said. "I've heard they can get pretty weird though."

"Yeah," Tony chuckled. "The weirdest thing I ever craved was probably fried chicken with peanut butter."

"Eww," Mike frowned.

"It's actually kinda good," Tony admitted. "I don't make it a hobby though to eat it on a regular basis," he winked. "Right now though I'm craving whatever you're cooking. Smells good!"

"Thanks!" Mike grinned. "I told you on the phone I like to cook so I decided on making a lasagna.  I think it's about ready," he said as he looked back into the oven.

Mike grabbed a pair of oven mitts and pulled a huge tray out and put it on top of the stove.

"Holy shit!" Tony exclaimed. "That's huge! And you gave me crap about my cake!"

"I'll bring the rest into work and share it with the other teachers," Mike said. "If you like it though you're welcome to take some home with you."

"If it tastes half as good as it smells, I might take all of it home with me!" Tony grinned.

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Hey Everyone! Just posted Chapters 16-21 separately (to avoid spacing issues) so be sure to start in the correct spot. :)

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Be sure to check out Chapters 16-21 also just recently posted.

Chapter Twenty-Two

"The lasagna was amazing," Tony complimented as he helped Mike clear the table.

"Wanna take some home?" Mike offered.

"If it's not too much trouble," Tony nodded. "Italian food is always even better the next day."

"You still have room for cake?" Mike asked as he loaded the dishwasher.

"Always!" Tony grinned, rubbing his stomach. 

"Why don't you go get comfortable in the living room and I'll get the cake ready," Mike suggested.

"OK," Tony nodded. "So any other questions about the pregnancy?" He asked as he waddled into the living room and plopped down on the couch.  Over dinner, Mike had asked a lot of questions and Tony, the pregnancy expert he was gave helpful answers.

"There is one more question I have," Mike said from the kitchen. "It's kind of embarrassing," he chuckled.

"If you're gonna ask about not making it to the bathroom, don't be embarrassed," Tony laughed. "Happens to everyone at some point."

"That's not actually what I was gonna ask," Mike said as he came into the room with a tray carrying big slices of cake and two glasses of milk. "But thanks for giving me something to look forward to.  My question was about sex," he said as he handed Tony his cake.

"What about it?" Tony asked as he dug right in.

"Well," Mike began, pausing to take a bite. "Mmm! This is so good!" He moaned.

"Told you!" Tony nodded, taking another bite.

"Anyway," Mike continued through a mouthful. "I know I'm not old but I'll admit my sex drive isn't what it was when I was your age."

"Great, now you're giving me something to look forward to!" Tony groaned.

"It happens," Mike shrugged. "But now that I'm pregnant, it's back full force!  I'm always horny, some days I jack off three times! Is that normal?"

It's pretty normal," Tony nodded with a smirk. "One of the joys of pregnancy."

"I feel better knowing it's normal," Mike admitted as he finished off his cake, put the plate down and reached for his milk. "I was too embarrassed to ask my doctor and I thought she'd gone over all the side affects with me but apparently not. I got worried though when I was talking to another teacher and she told me how her sex drive took a nose dive."

"It's different for women," Tony explained. "They get all upset and think they're fat and ugly."

"I feel that way sometimes," Mike frowned.

"I find that hard to believe," Tony said honestly. "You're cute."

"Thanks," Mike smirked.

"So when was your last time?" Tony asked.

"Last time?"

"The last time you had sex!"

"Oh God!" Mike groaned, rolling his eyes. "Too long."

"How long?" Tony asked, raising an eyebrow.

"This is gonna sound so pathetic," Mike sighed. "It's been 10 months. The last time I had sex was with my boyfriend at the time before I moved here. We broke up and I moved and then I started thinking about starting a family and went through invitro. I got pregnant the second time around and then I started my job and now I realize it's been 10 long months."

"That's a long time," Tony frowned.

"Who are you tellin?" Mike laughed.

"Go to Oswald's," Tony suggested. "I was there last night and not to brag but there were plenty of guys staring at my belly."

"I thought about that," Mike admitted. "I even went online and checked out some websites. I know there are a bunch of guys out there into pregnant guys but I dunno," he sighed. "Call me old fashioned but I don't usually do one night stands and it makes me a little uncomfortable knowing that someone's only interested in me for the belly," he said, rubbing the top of his bulge.

"I get that," Tony nodded. "But you gotta do something. 10 months is way too long to go without sex.  I would die, especially if I was pregnant and had all the extra hormones! I think if you put yourself out there, even if it's a little weird for you, you'll enjoy the results," he said as he put down his plate.

"I guess," Mike shrugged. "I know I gotta put myself out there. It's not gonna get any easier when the twins arrive."

"True but don't get yourself stressed out about it," Tony said. "You'll find the right guy. Who knows? He could be closer than you think..."

"Oh yeah?" Mike asked. "And where would that be?"

"Sitting right in front of you," Tony winked. "I'm just saying, we're two, sexy pregnant guys who are both very horny. We just had a great meal so we've got some energy," he shrugged. "We could each help each other out."

"Mmm," Mike said, licking his lips. "Don't say it if you don't mean it. I'm in no condition to be fooled with."

"Who says I don't mean it?" Tony asked.

"I've never been with a pregnant guy," Mike admitted. "Or been with anyone when I was pregnant."

"It's fun," Tony smirked. "Wanna give it a try?"

-- Edited by brimmingbelly04 on Tuesday 25th of October 2011 02:48:23 PM

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